Monday, May 23, 2011

Total Recall Vintage X Always in Style

There is a rad online vintage shop that any 80's and 90's vintage maven will love more than watching reruns of Beverly Hills 90210. I stumbled upon Total Recall Vintage a while back and I fell in love with the copiousness of 1980's and 90's vintage finds. I got the chance to ask Christine Bourie, of Total Recall Vintage, a few things about her absolute favorite vintage piece and what treasures are buried in her closet. You absolutely have to check out Total Recall's online shop at Total Recall Make sure to follow Total Recall on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook for any updates and be the first to get the scoop on fabulous new merchandise. Just a click away... @TOTALxRECALL and Total Recall Vintage FB.

P.S. I forgot to mention there is a RAD giveaway from Total Recall coming super soon so be sure stay up on the latest!

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Find me on Facebook... Always in Style FB

Where did you come up with the name Total Recall?

Well, I wanted to have a vintage boutique that was more eighties/early nineties clothing than most other places. And when I think 80s, I think Arnold Schwarzenegger and tech noir. Total Recall was a little bit cheesier than Terminator, but it makes sense and I think it's a good fit.

What is your favorite vintage piece you have come across?

I actually came across my favorite piece yesterday, a pair of black sheer wide leg pants with flowy panels of tiger print on the front and back. Absolute perfection.

What is the best decade for vintage in your opinion?

I prefer late eighties/early nineties. Some of the grungy stuff is really fun and the materials are better.

Aside from running an online vintage store what else do you love to do?

Eat brunch and drink mimosas. And buy shoes.

What does your closet look like? What are your favorite, go-to pieces?

My second bedroom pretty much serves as my closet, and it's a mess. I'm all about Jeffrey Campbell, so my Litas are my #1. And I pretty much live in my vintage shredded shorts. Lots of tiny clothes, I don't like to wear much...tons of bralettes and bandeaus.

Anything you wouldn't be caught wearing or is nothing off limits?

I would say Uggs. That's really all I can think of, I'm pretty open to everything.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Love this! Great clothes, great models and great interview!